Mark Alan Peake - Online Memorial Website

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Mark Peake
Born in Michigan
24 years
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Dianne Muxlow

I havae alot of memories of Mark. We were always hanging around each other. The funniest thing I can remember is when we lived in Marlette the boys (mark, mike and matt) decided to have a fire pit in the field behind are house. Well dad was plowing the fields and heard snap crackle pop. Well the boys thought they put out the fire when the left by peeing on it. It did not work. I remember all of them running in the house and saying we just caught the field on fire. They were not telling Dad they did it. The fireman found a back back in the field with Marks name on it which proved they did it. I was downstairs telling them they were going to be in so much trouble. Mark said well we better put on a few more pairs of undies cause did is going to beat are asses.

Dianne Muxlow
Total Memories: 2
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